Missions & Ministries
We support the following missionaries:
David & Rosemarie Di Trolio in Paraguay
Paul & Lana Duda in Latin America
Virgilio & Marsha Fortin in Honduras
Steve & Terry Ford in Peru
Henry & Karen Linderman in France
Harold & Vera Morin CMM – Muslims
Mykola & Heather Shimansky in Milwaukee, WI
Teen Challenge in Brockton, MA
Edward & Christine Vergara in Spain
Sarah Blackstone in Japan
Bryan Bessette at UNH
Joe Gavin at UVM
Ernie & Linda Henson
Chris & Peggy Trombetta, Native Americans
Hope Nation Atlanta, GA
Gus & Kerrie Tidlund
We also support the following community organizations:
CareNet in West Lebanon, NH
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
End 68 Hours of Hunger